Interview with Jay Kristoff
We share with you an interesting interview with Jay Kristoff - the author of our new book "Sleepless", which will be released very soon!
For readers: tell us a little about Beznich and its characters?
"Nightlessness" is the first part of a new fantasy trilogy. It takes place in a world with three suns, which means that night only falls once every two and a half years. The place of action is something between ancient Rome and Venice of the era of the merchant prince.
The main character's name is Mia Corvere. She is the daughter of a traitor who tried to overthrow the Republic. Seeking revenge on those who destroyed her family, she joins a clan of assassins known as the Red Church. Miya hopes that they will train her as a member of the clan, but the number of the Church's chosen ones is limited, so she will have to go through deadly trials to get her revenge.
So is the title for the 2nd book already ready?
I have a working title. But she was not very successful. I hate thinking of names. It took me almost 2 years to come up with a good name for Nevernight. We originally sold it to my publisher under the name Girl of endings, which seems a bit boring now.
Were any of the characters in the book inspired by people from your real life?
Mr. Dobryk is inspired by a couple of cats I used to know. And the teachers at the Red Church are a mix of various vile teachers I have met throughout my life. But I try not to make my inspiration too obvious - it's dangerous with lawsuits :)
Who was your favorite character to write? And who is the opposite?
Mia is my favorite. I adore her. I loved her from the first scene I wrote back in 2013. At the time, I didn't know who she was or what she wanted, so I wrote the book to find out. But this scene (the end of the 50th chapter has not changed much in 3 years. These words are her heart
Least favorite? I don't know if I have one. The characters I don't like the most are probably Mari or Mariella - they are both such horrible and heartless people. But I still enjoy writing them. I let the scum get down to business.
What is your favorite passage/scene from Nightmare?
I'm torn between three scenes and I'm afraid I won't be able to choose one.
- 1. Introductory section. I think this is one of the best texts I have ever written.
- 2. The scene of Mia's torture in Bogodil.
- 3. Mia's conversation with Trick at the end of the fifth chapter.
My favorite quote is probably this one: "The books we love love us back. And just as we mark our places on the pages, the pages leave their marks on us.”
What research did you have to do for the novel?
I'm a fan of Roman history. If you want a seven-hour conversation about the influence of the Julian dynasty on modern global politics, come to me. I have studied ancient Rome since childhood. I can honestly say that I have been researching this book for 20 years. Of course, this is fantasy, so you will understand it in your own way. But it all began as something like a thought experiment: "What if Julius Caesar's campaign against Rome had failed, and the Republic had lasted until the Middle Ages?"
Who is your idol among authors?
Robin Hobb. She is old fashioned for me, but this woman is powerful.
What prompted you to write a young adult novel?
To be honest, I just write stories as they play out in my head. Sometimes they are teenagers, sometimes they are not. I don't want to be biased. I don't know if Sleepless is a teen romance, but I've never seen a definition of a young adult romance that suits me. Young adult is not a genre. This is a demographic indicator. There are no conditions and no taboos.
Sleepless is labeled as an adult novel, my publisher is a publisher of adult novels, but obviously readers who have been following me since the Illuminae files series will also read Sleepless. I think of it as a crossover book - the main character is a teenager, but it deals with some very heavy subjects. But I like that the book provokes discussion, and captures the majority of readers.
Lightning questions
What are you reading now? Or what's on your to-read list that you're most looking forward to?
Right now I'm about to start the YA SF book Tattoo Atlas by Tim Florin! I have a great feeling. Also, I just finished the very cool novel "The boundless sublime" by Lily Wilkinson, about a girl who falls into a cult. Very powerful and thought-provoking.
Which Hogwarts department would the Sorting Hat send you to?
Slytherin forever
Twitter or Facebook?
Twitter. Does anyone even still use FB?
Favorite superhero?
Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does everything a spider can do.
Favorite show on TV?
All time? The Wire.
Sweet or Salty?
Do you have phobias?
I'm equally terrified and fascinated by great white sharks, does that count?
What song is on repeat now?
Gravedigger by Architects.
What movie are you waiting for?
The material is translated from the site- www.twochicksonbooks.com/2016/08/blog-tour-nevernight-by-jay-kristoff.html