Interview with Redgrain Lebowski
I don't believe in inspiration when it comes to routine work, and writing is a real routine - Redgrain Lebowski
Why such a nickname? Are you a fan of The Big Lebowski?
I heard about the film for the first time after I took a pseudonym. I still haven't watched the tape. Many years ago, I saw the name "Lebowski" somewhere on the Internet. I liked it so much that I decided: one day I would name my character that way. It almost happened :)
Is writing a childhood passion? Do you remember what inspired you to write your first book?
I was 12 years old when my dad gave me a Harry Potter book for my birthday. It was love from the first page. Over the course of a year, I re-read "...philosopher's stone" ten times and would have read as many more if the second part hadn't come out by then. Fascinated by Harry's story, I decided quite seriously: one day I will write my book. I don't know when it will happen and what it will be, but I will write it.
Many of your readers enthusiastically write in their reviews that it gives the impression that your book has been translated into Russian, that this text was written by a foreign writer. How is this effect achieved? Did you use any tricks on purpose? And reinforced with a "foreign" pseudonym?
I never sharpened my style under foreign writers. But in my childhood there were many books by foreign authors: Joan Rowling, Astrid Lindgren, Mark Twain, Gianni Radari and others. I think they taught me to write in a "foreign" style.
Oh, it's not a "foreign" nickname! Redgrain Lebowski could be a character in one of my books, because her unusual first and last name fits perfectly into any story. My nickname is a bridge between real life and the one I create on pages of books.
Your debut was the series "Absolute Elements". How long did you prepare it for publication?
I worked on the book for about a year and a half. Looking back, I can say: writing the first book is the hardest. To the young the author has to learn a lot, it takes time. You need to understand how storytelling works and what the structure is text, learn to choose the most successful wording, draw and animate your characters.It doesn't work right away, and that's okay. "Absolute Elements" is my first finished book, but it is far from the first one I worked on. She had dozens of unfinished manuscripts — each of them a kind of stepping stone, without which I would not have been able to reach it to where I am now.
How long did you look for your publisher in Ukraine? Share your experience with young authors.
Since 2013. After finishing work on "AE", I decided to send the manuscript to all publishing houses whose address could find Someone refused almost immediately, and someone has not responded to this day.
My advice to young authors is this: don't be afraid of rejections, because they don't mean your manuscript isn't good enough. No. There can be dozens of other reasons why you were rejected: there is no good series for your text, already formed for a year forward publishing plan, etc.
Don't give up on your own dream. Believe in yourself, your book, and definitely try again. You will succeed in everything.
How did you manage to come up with such a complex and multifaceted world of "Silence"? Did you reinterpret images from myths and legends? were there any writers who inspired you?
The main idea appeared when I was re-watching the TV show "How the Universe Works" (I'm a big fan astronomy). One of the first episodes of the season was devoted to the Sun and Black Holes, and then it occurred to me: so what, if they were human? That's how the idea of Incarnates came about. To make them more like gods, I borrowed some images from ancient Greek mythology. I can't be more specific - spoilers!
Do you have a writing tradition? For example, Stephen King writes every day, maybe you also set some for yourself challenges?
I have a notebook where I write down all my ideas about books, make some sketches, paste pictures and printouts, sometimes even reader feedback. There are also pasted calendars with empty windows inside, where I write what I wrote for the day word count So there is always a small reminder of the work already done. Write something in a notebook or just flipping through it before I go to work is my little tradition.
Do you usually wait for inspiration to start working, or does inspiration come as you work?
I don't believe in inspiration when it comes to routine work, and writing is a real routine.
Has it ever happened that the book is not written, but the deadlines for submitting the book to the publishers are adjusted?
The only book I wrote according to the deadline agreed with the publisher was "Jump". I myself offered to set a deadline, she chose the date herself. It was an interesting experience, but I don't want to repeat it. Now I suggest only a completed manuscript to the publishing house.It frees me from the pressure and the need to work even against the physical exhaustion or emotional burnout. I want to write, but I don't want to. This is the best option for me.
Where do you get ideas for books? Do you read a lot of epics or watch movies?
I have an extremely good imagination. Very often, when I listen to music, I involuntarily start creating some kind of story scrolls in front of the inner vision, like a clip for a song. This is how many plots or some scenes arise. They are mine own "clips" :)
A few days ago, I heard the track "Courtesy Call" by the band Thousand Foot Krutch on the radio, and a scene from "Absolute Elements", which she wrote for this song. This is how it works.
Who are you writing for? Do you imagine your reader?
I write for everyone who likes to read. During the years of writing, I was lucky to meet wonderful people who read my books I am friends with many and actively communicate. We always have something to talk about!
Where do you write best? At home, in nature, maybe in a bar?
Home. I cannot work elsewhere.
Who became the prototype of Adele in the series "Silence"? Do you collect images of friends and acquaintances or is it a complete flight of fantasy?
Adele or other characters have no prototypes. They are all made up. Can't work with a hero who has traits and qualities of a specific person, because in my opinion it is closer to the real world than to the book world.
Should your fans wait for the continuation of the "Silence" series? Perhaps a prequel to the story?
I plan to write several stories. One of them is already completed.
Are you familiar with the feeling of "burn out"? If so, how do you deal with it?
Of course! At such moments, I allow myself to not write anything for as long as it takes to recover emotional and mental energy. I am not afraid of this state and I do not reproach myself with evil words for being contrary I could still write to internal resistance. I let go of the situation, focus on something else and enjoy myself by life
Are you currently working on a new book? Can you reveal the secret of what it will be?
I cannot say that I am actively working on it, but the beginning is already there! This will be a book about the forest, spirits and magic. Ahead a lot of work, and it's exciting.
What do you think makes a good book?
The guarantee of a good book is its readers. The author creates a manuscript, and the reader turns it into a book. Popularity the works I wrote are not my merit. This is a credit to the people who took the time to read them. They talk about books to their friends and even discuss at school with teachers, draw fantastic illustrations and write magical songs.
For me, every reader is a part of the book universe, without which none of this would be possible.
What's the best writing advice you've ever heard?
You have probably already come across this expression on the web, it is very popular. I don't know who the author is, but it is well said: "Write the kind of book that you yourself would like to read." Brilliant!