Interview with the illustrator of the "Dark Matters" trilogy
Meet Nadiya Doycheva!
What inspires you?
I don't think any special inspiration is needed for everyday work at all. Rather, I know for whom and for why should i do something The main condition for work is sufficient peace and quiet around. And the greater the deficit of this, the better the effect is when these conditions are finally met. Sometimes unexpected, unplanned ideas arise. Probably, a special state, which is called inspiration, leads to this. But rather, it is more related to chemistry processes in the body, and not by some enlightenment from above.
Favorite Northern Lights character and how do you feel about Philip Pullman?
Favorite characters are Serafina Pekkala and Farder Coram. This is a very beautiful fatalistic story. About the fact that people often separate circumstances incompatible with a harmonious relationship between them. I often identify myself with witches in literature. It's a family thing, my grandmother was considered a bit of a witch in the village. She denied it, of course :) But everyone went to her for fortune-telling. She even cured a few of them from alcoholism. She just said: "Stop drinking!" And in several cases, it happened. Pullman has become one of my favorite authors. I am fascinated by how he creates a very complex construction of a multiverse from basic parameters that are followed throughout the trilogy.His world is uneasy, uncomfortable, but very logical and exciting. If there are books that change lives, then this trilogy can be just such a book for a teenager. It contributes to the formation of independence of judgments!
What is your favorite technique?
Digital graphics has been around for a long time, and there are no limits to its development. But since I worked on analog for quite a long time media (I entered an art school in 1998), now I am interested in digital images that resemble paintings paints I like to combine drawing on material media with the possibilities of digital techniques.
Why did you decide to become an illustrator? How did you get into this field?
I can't remember that I ever made an unequivocal decision about choosing a profession. This is the result of many circumstances, and I do not exclude the fact that I will develop a little in other directions. The modern virtual world offers many opportunities. I started studying fine arts professionally at the age of 15. Since then, my professional activity is directly related to it, and it is not only an illustration. It's great that now there is an opportunity to study throughout life without leaving your workplace.
What advice can you give to young artists?
I think it is pointless to advise something like "watch a lot, travel, learn from others - don't shy away from your own...", about the youth know better. Apparently, the only advice from the "old people" is appropriate: value your loved ones and health, get enough sleep. It resources that do not update!
How to find a customer?
Now the situation has changed a lot compared to the times when I was still looking for customers, now they find me themselves. But of course, if possible, be present at all specialized events. The main thing is that it does not absorb the whole time needed for work and development. Everyone has to feel the balance here.
How do you feel about criticism? Do you need to deal with haters?
In general, this is an interesting phenomenon. It amazes me that people find time for negative comments, because I don't have time read any comments at all. So I think the best way is not to react. Of course, everyone has the right to express their own opinion, but everyone, in turn, has the right not to be interested in someone else's thoughts In general, I have been "inoculated" from haters since my school days, and every attack is a kind of booster dose.
What book would you dream of illustrating?
I will not talk about those that I have dreamed about for a long time and which are already included in the calendar plan, but in the long term I think about "Decameron". This is relevant in the context of melting glaciers with long-forgotten viruses hidden there.