Franklin and Luna Go to the Moon
Franklin and Luna Go to the Moon
Luna’s best friend, Franklin, is a dragon. They love to read stories about everything from trampolining to deep-sea diving. One day, they are reading about where werewolves live and Franklin begins...Read More
Luna’s best friend, Franklin, is a dragon. They love to read stories about everything from trampolining to deep-sea diving. One day, they are reading about where werewolves live and Franklin begins to wonder where he is from. He is 605 years old and has no idea where to find other dragons!
Luna suggests that they go on an adventure to find his family. They Google his family tree, they e-mail a princess, and along the way they find twenty yetis eating spaghetti, five vampires reading Shakespeare, not to mention disco-dancing unicorns . . . but no dragons!
Where on earth could they be?
Following the success of Franklin’s Flying Bookshop, Franklin and Luna Go to the Moon― a book about the joys of reading, exploring, and coming home― continues to bring the magic of classic fairy tales into the twenty-first century.
About Authors
About others creators
ISBN | 978-617-7914-64-7 |
Authors | Jen Campbell |
Translators | Daniella Khodzhaian |
illustrators | Katie Harnett |
Size | 275x285 |
Weight | 350 |
Page Cnt | 32 |
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Series | |
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